The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century 2000-2050 at Noon


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Revised and Expanded Third Editions.

The most essential reference for today’s astrologer. Revised and Expanded Third Edition. Within this book you’ll find the familiar format and all of the features from the prior edition, now updated with new Jet Propulsion Laboratory data.
Additional features and improvements in this new edition:

Improvements in computer generated program enables finding double ingresses in a single day, plus more accurate station times.

Ceres is added to the daily longitude listings, Sun through Pluto.

New formula increases accuracy of the monthly position of the Galactic Center.

Monthly positions are given for Eris, Chiron, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta.

Phenomena in the Astro Data column now sorted by time as well as date.

Planetary ingresses include R if a planet is retrograde when it ingresses.