New American Ephemeris for the 20th Century 1900-2000 at Noon




Of all the valuable reference books that are the legacy of the late Neil F. Michelsen, the most widely used by astrologers worldwide has been The American Ephemeris for the 20th Century, 1900-2000 published through 5th Edition in both Midnight and Noon versions. Now, with newly updated data and improved programming techniques, Rique Pottenger; Michelsen’s chosen successor, has compiled and programmed The New American Ephemeris for the 20th Century 1900-2000 at Noon.

The familiar data and format used and trusted by astrologers worldwide – now updated and expanded, with new features!

Additions and improvements in this edition:

The entire century plus – 1900 through 2000

Improvements in computer generating program enable finding double ingresses in a single day plus more accurate station times

Ceres is added to the daily longitude listings, Sun through Pluto

New formula increases accuracy of monthly position of Galactic Center

Monthly positions for Eris, Chiron, Pallas, Juno and Vesta

Phenomena in Astro Data column now sorted by time as well as date

Planetary Ingresses include R if a planet is retrograde when it ingresses

