By Carole Hemingway
I was 27-years old in 1968. Transiting Pluto was in Virgo, trine my Saturn at 23-degrees Taurus, in my 6th house of work and service, Over the next three years Pluto was trine my Moon-Uranus at 28-degrees Taurus in my 6th house. There I was,
manager of a construction company with 200 carpenters, and making $750. a week. Life was good until October, 1971 when Pluto dipped his toe into early Libra (relationships) and squaring my Sun at 0-degrees Cancer, in my 7th house of deeper relationships. The owner of the company, Joe, decided to get married for the second time to a possessive Scorpio woman, Patty, a model who felt threatened by me. Little did either of them know I was having an affair with the owner’s business partner, Stan.
In 1970 and 1971, transiting Saturn in Taurus was sextile my Venus at 17-degrees Cancer in my 8th house of Transformation. It was a squeaky time from October 1971
to April 1972. Joe was torn about keeping me on, which he did from mid-April 1972 to late July 1972 after which all hell broke loose. Patty, his bride to be, while making wedding plans, threatened to call off their wedding if her fiancé didn’t give me my walking papers. Joe felt he had no choice. He was a Virgo. She was a Scorpio.
To make peace, Joe set up a splashy dinner at his favorite food palace in New York City, The Palms. It opened in 1926 and became a second home to a vibrant cast of characters, including artists, writers, tycoons, civic leaders, screen stars and working families. The restaurant continues today…a place not only to enjoy an authentic Italian meal but also catch up with old friends, meet new ones, close business deals and celebrate family milestones. In the 60’s and 70’s George Bush, Sr. then the UN Ambassador requested they open a restaurant in Washington, D.C.
During this time, I was celebrating my Saturn Return, and with Saturn sextile both my Mercury and Venus in Cancer around the same time. It was a most exciting time for me. Transiting Jupiter in late Sagittarius was waltzing through my First House and squaring both my 4th/10th houses and going direct on August 24, 1972.
Transiting Uranus in Libra was square my Mercury 15-degrees Cancer, in the 8th house, which meant a loss of job and a major move to consider.
On Saturday, August 26, 1972, just a few days after the full moon at 1-degree Pisces, trine my Sun in Cancer in my 7th house, a lot had happened between the
owner’s engagement and my dismissal. My lover, Stan, after filing for divorce, moved in with me and accompanied me to the dinner in New York City. As we walked through the doors, hand in hand, the owner of the construction company and his fiancé had no idea who my mystery guest would be. The expressions on their faces were priceless. Joe
could barely speak and Patty, the bride-to-be was very, very quiet during dinner.
And thus, my interest in Astrology peaked. I had been having my chart done by a local astrologer who later became my teacher.
The first thing I learned that stuck is that, unlike life on earth, Astrology gives the test first and the lesson afterwards. .
Before all these events took place in my life, I didn’t have a clue what Astrology could teach me, like how to unlock my own potential and make better choices in my life. When I left as manager, it took three people to fill my position in the construction company. As for my romance, my lover became my husband. Stan proposed and I said, “yes.” We were married May 16, 1975 when Transiting Saturn was in Cancer conjunct both my Mercury-Venus in Cancer in my 8th house Of Transformation. Stan was my second husband. My first marriage had not lasted a year.
Stan’s Sun at 21-degrees Gemini was in my 7th house of marriage. His Venus, 16-degrees Cancer, was within a degree of my own Venus, in the 8th house. Stan was eight years older than me. To describe my marriage: I was in love with Stan and the sex was great (more 8th house stuff). Stan had great staying power with Mars in Taurus. I also inherited a ready-made family, with his three teen-age children living with us in the house he and his carpenters built for me as a wedding present, on a New Jersey shoreline overlooking New York City’s Twin Towers.