Thomas Canfield
I have to make a personal confession: I wanted Kamala Harris to win because I wanted Astrology to fail. In the next few years, the USA will be having its Third Uranus Return. This has always marked a period of violence and major change in the country. The first Uranus Return saw the secession of Southern States and the beginning of the Civil War. The second Uranus Return took place during World War II. In the next few years, the Third Uranus Return will be taking place. I had hoped that with Kamala Harris as President there would not be mass deportations, destruction of the civil service system, and arrests of the political enemies. A Third Uranus Return might have been limited in violence to some extremists of the Trump Death Cult, not resulting in a national crisis but one that could be contained.
Unfortunately, with Trump back in power, the Federal government may be subjected to Project 2025, which advocates the gutting of the Federal bureaucracy, the manipulation of the Justice department, and the elimination of the Department of Education. The safeguards the public has taken for granted may be removed, and the needed services may no longer be available. Of course, it will be said it is being done for the good of the country, but will it really be that way?
The Third Uranus Return is part of a Grand Trine in Air with Mars and Pluto. Change many begin with a lot of violent verbal activity. Pluto was last in Aquarius during the American Revolution. There may be an attitude that if America is being ruled by a “mad king” it may be time for another revolution. Financial problems may prompt a spirit of rebellion. In the USA chart, Eris was sextile Ceres, ruler of agriculture. Part of the legend of the revolution was that it was farmers who took the lead in fighting for America. During the Civil War, transiting Eris was conjunct the USA Ceres, and the war caused a financial disaster for the Southern agricultural economy, though the war did free the slaves. Eris trine Ceres in the Uranus Return chart may mark another agricultural upheaval. Ceres in Leo could stand for the wealthy taking up most of the resources for themselves.
Eris will be conjunct Saturn at the time of the Uranus Return. Such an aspect usually marks major changes in the course of history. Some can be subtle changes, such as the youth movement in the 1960’s. The aspect can also mark a dramatic change, such as the death and funeral of Princess Diana. That event sent a message to the Royals that Diana was “the People’s Princess”, and they were amazed by the mountains of flowers outside of Buckingham Palace. Saturn-Eris during the Uranus Return may be a demonstration of people power that those in authority will not be able to ignore nor withstand.
Chiron and the Moon will be trine Jupiter and sextile Vesta. Matters of women’s control over their own bodies will still be a major topic. Neptune will be opposing Mars and square Vesta. Some illusions about family values may be shattered. Major conflict might be eased with both Mars and Pluto sextile the Ascendant. Sagittarius Rising might help more legal minded people to prevail. Eris-Saturn are squaring Venus, and that could be a lessening of restrictions against women. Mercury and Pallas are conjunct in Cancer, and that could indicate a more sensible outcome in resolving family issues. A national abortion ban might include allowances for rape or miscarriages, and extend the time period to a more reasonable period.
The Uranus Return is in a wide conjunction with Juno, a wide sextile to the Sun, and a trine to the North Node. It may become a time of strange political bedfellows. Former Harris supporters may be forced to make alliances with Trump supporters. There could be a rise of new political parties that would cross over on certain issues. Republicans might join Democrats in stopping deportation of immigrant workers. There might be joint resistance against using the military against American citizens. Both parties could even unite to depose Trump if he appears to be too senile, thought there could be a debate as to whether his replacement would be any better.
As for Kamala Harris, she may be remembered as the “Great What If.” By the time of the Uranus Return, Eris and Saturn will be opposing her Sun. Her politics, or the memory of her politics, may be a driving force for the people. Eris-Saturn will be sextile her Saturn, and trine her Part of Fortune. Those who voted against her may live to regret it. Part of her legacy may be that people realized too late that she was right, “We’re not going back.”
I am old enough to remember another election of despair in 1972, when Richard Nixon was re-elected, and only lost Massachusetts and Washington D.C. It happened at a time when Saturn was trine Uranus. After Nixon’s resignation, when Saturn was square Uranus, Nixon became a non-person, and no Republican leaders would mention his name, even at the 1976 Republican convention. It may take until 2032 to undo the damage done at the time of the Third Uranus Return. Saturn will be conjunct Uranus then, and there may be a time of reckoning for all involved. Some may want to sweep the events under the rug, but there may be a disposal of the garbage left behind.