The natal chart of Donald John Trump has Mars rising, which was sextile his Sun and trine his Moon. This helped define his character as an angry young man lashing out at the world, but doing it in such a way that his anti-social behavior would be overlooked as an eccentric amusement. Whereas other children could expect spankings for delinquent behavior, for Donald J. Trump avoiding punishment would be a fact of life. Jupiter, the planet that rules law and justice, was trine his Uranus, planet of unexpected and revolutionary events. Escaping prosecution and dodging incarceration became part of the Trump legend.
As a child, Trump was raised in a wealthy family, similar to the comic book character Richie Rich. However, while Richie Rich was an affable and empathetic character, Trump never displayed any of these good qualities. He most resembled Richie Rich’s evil cousin, Reginald Van Dough, who spent his time degrading and abusing people. At age ten, when transiting Eris was square Mercury in his chart, Trump was attending the Kew-Forest School. He developed a major dislike for his music teacher, and gave the man a black eye. Expulsion was avoided by the fact that his father, Fred Trump, was on the Board of Trustees. However, when Trump reached age 13, transiting Eris was trine his Pluto, and his behavior had become so bad, it was decided that he should attend the New York Military Academy. Transiting Eris was square his Pallas during his stay in the Academy, and he channeled his martial energy into discipline. Trump would later brag that what he experienced in the Academy was the equivalent to a real tour of duty in the military, though no one ever took a shot at him.
Trump spent two years at Fordham University, and then he transferred to Wharton School of Finance and Commerce at the University of Pennsylvania. This was one of the few schools which taught real estate as part of the curriculum, which Trump would need for going into the family business. One of his former teachers said that Trump was the dumbest pupil he ever had. He managed to avoid being drafted for the Vietnam War by getting student deferments, and then getting a medical deferment for bone spurs, though they only seemed to afflict him during the Vietnam War years.
Upon his graduation, he went to work for “Elizabeth Trump and Son”, which was renamed the “Trump Organization” in 1971. The company focused on middle-class housing in the metropolitan area. However, in 1973, when transiting Eris was sextile his Ceres, Trump faced a federal lawsuit on the grounds he was discriminating against black tenants who wanted to rent his apartments. After a legal hassle, the Trumps signed a statement in which no wrong-doing was admitted, and they agreed to admit qualified applicants submitted by the Urban League.
In 1980, when transiting Eris was opposing his natal Juno and Chiron, Trump took part in the rejuvenation of New York City by starting construction of Trump Tower, a 58-story skyscraper. For the construction, Trump hired architect Barbara Res, who became the first woman architect to build a skyscraper in New York City. However, the project started off with some bad publicity. The site was on the location of the old Bonwit Teller store, which had art deco bas relief sculptures as part of its design. Trump had promised this artwork to the Metropolitan Museum, but then the sculptures were destroyed by the wrecking crew. It was discovered that the Trump organization had hired undocumented Polish workers, who were paid less than minimum wage and forced to work more than 12 hours a day. This violation of the labor laws resulted in a lawsuit that lasted 16 years and was finally settled out of court.
During the 1980’s, Trump invested in casinos and golf courses, and was married to a high-profile wife, Ivana, who gave him the nickname “The Donald.” However, by 1991, when transiting Eris was opposing his Jupiter, and sextile his Uranus, the Trump Taj Mahal was filing for bankruptcy, and his marriage to Ivana was coming to an end as a result of an affair with actress Marla Maples. By 1992, Trump Plaza Hotel filed for bankruptcy, and by 1994 Trump was able to reduce his personal debt by the sale of these properties. The next bankruptcy would not be until 2004, when transiting Eris was sextile his North Node and trine his South Node. His response to the bankruptcy of Trump Entertainment Resorts was to blame the banks, saying they never should have loaned him money for the deal. His final bankruptcy came in 2009, when transiting Eris was trine his Moon. He and his daughter, Ivanka, had to resign from the board of Trump Entertainment resorts.
In 2011, when transiting Eris was sextile his natal Sun, Trump attracted a lot of attention by supporting the “birther movement”, which was attempting to prove that President Barack Obama was really born in Kenya and not in Hawaii. Trump said, “I have people that have been studying [Obama’s birth certificate] and they cannot believe what they’re finding.” (To this date, no one has heard what they found.) President Obama ridiculed Trump at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner by suggesting Trump was interested in a political career, and there was an image of the White House done-over as a gaudy Trump casino. Trump assuaged his ego with his TV show “The Apprentice” which was designed to make him look good and let him give his famous tag line:”You’re fired!”
By 2015, Trump decided he was ready for a political career, as transiting Eris was squaring his Saturn. In his opening speech, he appealed to regressive, Know-Nothing politics, by denouncing undocumented Mexican immigrants as “criminals” and “rapists”, and advocating the building of a great wall along the Mexican border, which Mexico would pay for. His statements seemed to be so “over the top”, the media never believed his campaign would take off. Yet, the Republican field was divided with more than a dozen candidates, and the various support groups were divided in their loyalties. Trump managed to bring in a steady following that liked his off-the-cuff statements. No matter if they were shocking, like saying John McCain was not a war hero, the followers enjoyed his argumentative style.
Instead of being overwhelmed by bad publicity, Trump seemed to thrive on it. In the Republican debates, he would lash back at the moderators (even on Fox News) and come up with insulting nicknames for his rival candidates. As more of his rivals dropped out, Trump became more outrageous, resulting in an alienation from establishment Republicans and old-time conservatives. There was a worry his attitudes would alienate blocks of voters that the party needed. Apart from alienating the Latino bloc, he also spoke against Muslims, Women, Blacks, and anyone who advocated “political correctness.” Whenever an event took place, he would send out a tweet without any contemplation or consideration, much to the pleasure of his followers and the shock of his opponents.
For a long time, Trump would get a free ride from the media on his statements. He quoted the National Enquirer which had suggested the father of Ted Cruz had helped assassinate John F. Kennedy. He wanted to round up 11 million “illegal” Mexicans and ship them back to Mexico. To his opponent Hillary Clinton, he rudely stated that she belonged in jail; even though Republican investigations had found that she had done nothing illegal. Perhaps his most delusional statement was that he saw TV footage of Muslims in New Jersey cheering and dancing after the fall of the twin towers on 9-11-2001, even though no one else in the United States ever saw any such footage.
For Trump’s Solar Return in 2016, Eris, Uranus, and Ceres were conjunct the Midheaven, and that was when the coverage started to change for Trump. More people began attacking his statements. When he attacked the American born judge in the Trump University case as being “Mexican”, people began responding to his bigotry, particularly Arnold (the Terminator) Schwarzenegger. Republican politicians began distancing themselves from Trump as he made more outrageous statements. The media started fighting back by fact-checking his statements, and calling him out on the falsehoods. Even his third wife, Melania, was not spared after fact checking showed she had plagiarized part of her convention speech from Michelle Obama. (As one commentator pointed out, it was the one time Republicans cheered a speech by Michelle Obama.) Topping it off was the recording of an interview in which Trump said he enjoyed grabbing the private parts of women, and he could get away with it because he was a celebrity.
On Election Day, 2016, as the Moon moved into Pisces, the triple threat of Eris-Uranus-Ceres was back again, and falling in Trump’s Eighth House. At this time, everything he had said and done was thought to come back and hurt him. He managed to lose the popular vote by three million votes. Unfortunately, the archaic design of the Electoral College enabled him to get a win in the Election. Trump managed to win by 1% of the vote in states like Florida. Wisconsin, and Michigan. It was a victory that staggered the experts and the decent folk who had voted against him.
On Inauguration Day, 2017, Trump had transiting Eris and Uranus in Aries sextile his Natal Sun and North Node. Mars in Pisces was squaring his Sun and North Node, and Saturn in Sagittarius was opposing his Sun and North Node. What made the day appear good was Jupiter in Libra trine his Sun and North Node. It should have been the high point of his career, but he wasted his inaugural address on a theme of “American Carnage”, denouncing an imaginary vision of the United States that was in decline. Adding to this madness was Trump’s assertion that he had the biggest inauguration in history, though reporters were quick to point out that Obama’s 2009 inauguration was bigger.
The authoritarian nature of Trump’s administration became evident when he asked FBI director James Comey for personal loyalty. When Comey claimed he was loyal to his job as head of the FBI, Trump fired him. At the same time, an investigation was being made into Russian interference with the 2016 election, and the possibility the Trump campaign had connections with the Russians. The former head of the FBI, Robert Mueller, took charge of the investigation, but it was hampered by the fact that it could not investigate Trump himself. In the Spring of 2017, transiting Neptune moved towards a square with Trump’s Uranus. His administration became mired in “alternative facts” and those working in the White House had to work behind the scenes to keep Trump from making horrible policy decisions.
His lawyer, Michael Cohen, turned states’ evidence and revealed Trump had made him set up dummy corporations which were meant to funnel money as payoffs for people Trump wanted kept quiet. Money was sent to porn star Stormy Daniels to hide a sexual encounter. A Playboy model named Karen McDougal was having an affair with Trump. David Pecker of the National Enquirer was paid off to block stories that were unfavorable to Trump. Even the Doorman at Trump Tower was paid off to hide what he knew. The details would come out at Trump’s New York trial in 2024, when transiting Neptune was conjunct his Natal Vesta, showing his family values were just an illusion.
For three years, Trump managed to keep his administration going with tax cuts for the rich, tariffs against Chinese imports, and a bluster that appealed to dictators around the world. Trump’s unpopularity was shown by the Democrats regaining the House in 2018, and with Speaker Nancy Pelosi standing up to him. Yet, Trump’s support continued. He even beat an impeachment trial for trying to strong-arm President Zelensky of the Ukraine. Then, in 2020, as Eris was squaring Pluto, Trump faced his greatest challenge with the coming of Covid-19. Eris-Pluto squares have marked a time of maximum incompetence, and events taking place at this time would come back to cause greater harm. In January, 2020, Trump was warned about the lethal nature of Covid-19. Instead of warning people, ordering masks, and encouraging social distancing, Trump did nothing for two months. When it was obvious the disease was going to spread across America, the Trump administration finally announced emergency measures to prevent the spread in the middle of March.
It was a matter of too little, too late, and the pandemic spread across America. Trump refused to wear a mask because he thought it made him look weak. He continued to have rallies with no social distancing, and after one rally millionaire Herman Cain died from Covid. In the Fall, Trump contracted Covid, but was given numerous remedies at Walter Reed Hospital. In spite of his recovery, he did not gain any new popularity. Voters kicked out Trump in the November election, choosing former Vice-President Joe Biden to be the new President.
Yet, it was not the end of Trump. He created the Big Lie that the election had been stolen from him. On Jan. 6, 2021, he sent a mob of his followers to the Capitol to disrupt the counting of Electoral votes, resulting in horrible injuries to the Capitol police. Trump had no choice but to vacate the Presidency, taking with him boxes of secret documents, which had to be recovered by the FBI after a 2022 raid at Mar-a-Lago. All the while, Trump maintained the Big Lie that he was still the President and entitled to have those documents.
As Chiron started to move towards Eris, the Supreme Court announced the Dobbs decision, ending Roe vs. Wade as the standard for abortion rights. Democrats began mobilizing in the midterm elections to break the power of Republicans in Congress and in state governments. Trump took credit for the abortion ban and he began a campaign for the 2024 election. As in 2016, the Republicans were divided, and though 20% of the party voted against Trump, he still managed to win the primary elections.
Trump headed to the Republican convention, dogged by the business fraud case in New York, and eventually being found guilty on 34 charges. Sentencing was supposed to take place on July 11, but was postponed because the Supreme Court had issued a statement on Presidential immunity, suggesting that Trump may get a free pass on some of the actions he performed while in office. Then the stolen secret documents case was thrown out of court on a technicality that the Prosecutor was not properly appointed. Trump narrowly survived an assassination attempt, and went into the Republican convention with a sense of invulnerability. He chose Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio as his running mate, approving of the snarky remarks Vance made about his opponents.
Then the world started to change for Trump. President Joe Biden, after a poor debate performance and an attack of Covid, decided to drop out of the Presidential race in favor of Vice-President Kamala Harris. The Democrats rallied behind Harris, had an energetic convention, and then chose Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota as the running mate. Harris thrashed Trump in a public debate, and Walz got his licks in against Vance in the Vice-Presidential debate.
In the aspects for November, Trump will be getting a comeuppance from women, not the least of which will be the Goddess of Justice. On the November 15 Full Moon, the Sun-Moon axis is squaring Trump’s Natal Mars and Ascendant. All of the bullying and threatening he has done in the past may come to an ignominious end. The Taurus Moon and Uranus are conjunct Trump’s Midheaven, and squaring his Mars and Ascendant. This could be the total collapse of his career, with no chance that he will be able to manage high finance again. The Scorpio Sun on his Natal Fourth House cusp may bring a further shockwave for his family. Transiting Mercury and Pallas are opposing his Uranus-North Node-and Natal Sun conjunction, as well as conjunct his Natal South Node and Moon. It may mark the end of his imperials days and being able to do whatever he wanted, when he wanted.
Transiting Pluto is conjunct the Midheaven of the Full Moon chart, and opposing Trump’s Natal Venus-Saturn conjunction. The heart of his misogyny can be broken by this aspect. With transiting Eris squaring the midpoint of his Venus-Saturn, his usage of and resentment towards women may reach a discordant resolution. Transiting Neptune is trine his Venus-Saturn, and he may come up with another Big Lie to save face. The Sun of the Full Moon chart is trine Trump’s Venus-Saturn, and the Taurus Moon and Uranus are sextile his Venus-Saturn. He may come out with a new insult or comment of male chauvinism. Yet, Ceres, the strong-minded mother figure is opposing his Venus-Saturn, and some outside authority may exert control over him.
At the end of November, Trump will face sentencing on the 34 felony counts he was found guilty of in New York. Transiting Jupiter will be conjunct his Uranus-North Node-Sun, and opposing his South Node and Moon. With transiting Saturn direct and Jupiter retrograde in a square, it may be a judicial sentencing that is long overdue. Venus will be opposing his Natal Venus-Saturn conjunction at that time. If he is taken off to jail, it should be done by female guards to add to his humiliation. Transiting Mars will be sextile Trump’s Neptune, and it is possible he will come up with a new statement worthy of contempt of court and may add time to his sentence. Transiting Pluto will be back in Aquarius for the sentencing, and its opposition to transiting Mars may emphasize the power of transformation at the time of sentencing. Mars will be moving to a trine with Trump’s Eris and a conjunction with his Pluto. It may finally show that he is his own worst enemy.
Transiting Chiron is opposing Trump’s Juno, Jupiter, and Natal Chiron. He may regret the days of setting up the Supreme Court to bring down Roe vs. Wade. That Supreme Court decision was made in 1973, when Eris and Chiron were conjunct at 12 Aries. Those bodies are moving towards another conjunction at 25 Aries. It may be a time when Federal law codifies abortion rights for all women. The Full Moon Venus in Capricorn is squaring Trump’s Eris and opposing his Mercury. One might hope that he learns a lesson not to trifle with or underestimate women. Yet, it is questionable he will learn a lesson. Like Dr. Hannibal Lecter, Trump may be hoping for an opportunity to escape and make a place for himself in the world again. Yet, as more legal cases pile up against Trump, he may see himself as being trapped like his old friend Jeffrey Epstein. It may be a situation of no escape and facing death in prison. For someone who has evaded the law for so long, it is the best possible resolution.