Thomas Canfield
For Inauguration day 2025, there is going to be a double Yod pointing at the Mars and the Ascendant of Donald J. Trump. The Inauguration Midheaven will be sextile Neptune, and both will be quincunx Trump’s Mars. Pluto, the Sun, and the Part of Fortune will be sextile the North Node, Trump’s Natal Vesta, and Trump’s Eighth House cusp, and all of them will be quincunx Trump’s Ascendant at 29 Leo. The Eighth House has often been associated with Death, but it also rules Other People’s Money and Taxation. It could stand for the happiness of billionaires (and the Trump family) that their tax breaks will continue. It could also stand for the promise that the Federal government will back Bitcoin, putting billions of dollars into an ephemeral currency. Neptune, which also quincunxes Trump’s Ascendant, could be seen as the ruler of Bitcoin, and its role in economic growth could be seen as fanciful.
What sort of an Inauguration can we expect to start off a new administration, which may be worse that the old Trump administration? Watch for Misogyny to rear its ugly head. Trump was born with a Venus-Saturn conjunction, and that may be the root of why he objectifies women. When Trump praises women, it always for their looks, and brains and wisdom do not enter into it. When he wants to insult a woman, he usually says she is ugly. Women exist only to please him, and he can control their destinies by taking away the rights protecting their bodies. Venus-Saturn may also represent the emotional problems Trump had a child, with a remote mother and a domineering father.
On Inauguration day, there will be another Venus-Saturn conjunction taking place in Pisces, and it will be in a wide trine to Trump’s Venus-Saturn conjunction in Cancer. At the same time, Mars Retrograde will be at the midpoint of Trump’s Venus-Saturn conjunction. There may be anger issues with personal resentments, and it may be a time when he takes major heat for any sexist remarks as he starts his term. Easing the tension might be Neptune and Juno trine his Venus-Saturn, and Uranus sextile his Venus-Saturn. Perhaps wiser heads will ask him to leave out his worst remarks, but this could lead to dissatisfaction and expulsions. He may not understand the hard feelings he is creating. Eris in Aries will be squaring Mars in Cancer, and that could be a time of lesser discord. The best to hope for is that he might try “damning with faint praise.” His emotions at this event may mask a sense of inadequacy and being lonely in a relationship.
The Inauguration Moon will be conjunct Trump’s Jupiter, Chiron, and Juno, while transiting Chiron will be opposing Trump’s Jupiter, Chiron, and Juno. It is likely there will be emotional protests, and that might provoke Trump into making sexist remarks. With Chiron opposing the Moon, the abortion issue is not going to go away again. There could be major protests blaming Trump for the overturning of Roe versus Wade, while Trump takes the credit for the action. Transiting Mercury and Pallas will be squaring Trump’s Jupiter, Chiron, and Juno. There may be a lot of discussion as to the wisdom of Trump’s decisions, and whether they are constructive or just irritating.
Transiting Jupiter will be conjunct Trump’s Uranus, and he may be spreading his glory on the internet instead of actually governing. His policy changes may seem eccentric and erratic. Transiting Jupiter will be squaring the Inauguration Venus-Saturn conjunction. It may be that the worst comments made by Trump will be reported on Truth Social. Transiting Jupiter will be trine the Inauguration Ceres as well as Trump’s Natal Ceres. There may need to be an intervention to calm down the feelings of irate women. There may be signs that women will stand their ground and refuse to accept Trump’s vision for them. The emotional response may hit Trump at personal level, leading to more plans for retaliation.
Transiting Uranus and Juno are in opposition, and both are squaring Trump’s Mars and Ascendant. The strongest political opposition may be found on the internet. Trump may take most of the opposition as personal insults. There may also be business problems with the coming economic policies. Women in politics may be in the forefront of opposition, and they could come up with sudden and unexpected actions. Transiting Uranus is sextile Trump’s Venus-Saturn, and Juno will be trine his Venus-Saturn it may all come back to misogyny and finding more ways to repress women. There may be conflict over programs that promote equality.
What will be coming up in the next year is that all of the outer planets will be changing signs. Pluto has moved into Aquarius, and on the Inauguration it will be conjunct the Sun and the Part of Fortune. Watch for a demonstration of people power at this event. Rather than have a sparsely attended event, as in 2017, there may be a big crowd on the Mall, but they may be celebrating Martin Luther King Day rather than paying attention to Trump.
At the end of March, Neptune will be moving into Aries for the first pass. Trump is part of the baby boomer generation which will be experiencing Neptune opposing Natal Neptune. This could be a sign of confusion or delusion, leaving everyone wondering who is running the country. Neptune will be moving into Trump’s Eighth House, and he could spend a lot of time wondering what kind of a tomb he should have.
Uranus will be moving into Gemini, and making a trine to Pluto in Aquarius. There may be an increase in business for the “dark internet.” In the past, it was a hidden space to examine weird sexuality. It may be expanding into a political platform, especially if Trump opponents are scrubbed from social media. Opposition to Trump could become an underground movement like the Sons of Liberty who worked against another Mad King.
Saturn will be moving into Aries, and the last time it was there was when Newt Gingich was whipping the Republicans into a monolithic political force that would not compromise or negotiate with the Democrats. The spirit of “My Way or the Highway” has been taken over by Trump, who is threatening to run primary candidates against any members of Congress who dare oppose him. This demand for obedience could backfire with Saturn approaching a conjunction with Neptune. The last time Saturn was conjunct Neptune was back in the day when President George H.W. Bush made the demanding statement, “Read my lips. No new taxes.” Yet, members of Congress had to force him to break that pledge because taxes needed to be raised to balance the budget. The coming Saturn-Neptune conjunction could take place with Congress starting to assert itself, especially in maintaining economic control. By the time of the Summer Solstice, Jupiter will be moving into Cancer, and will be squaring Saturn and Neptune. There could be some financial wrangling and disputes over billionaire fancies versus sensible economic growth. Jupiter in Cancer may be more concerned about how families will spend their money versus Saturn and Neptune promoting the statement “I got mine!”