Voting by the Dark Moon

Thomas Canfield

    This year, Halloween might seem especially black since there will be a dark Moon in the sky. However, the next morning, on All Saints Day, a New Moon will be arising to mark changes, especially a political upheaval in the offing. People may be aware of the change, with early voting and mail-in voting taking place during October. By Election Day, the results may already be known as the final votes are finally cast. It is possible to say that the final results may be completed at the time of the Scorpio New Moon.

    In the chart of Kamala Harris, the New Moon is sextile her Natal Ceres in Capricorn. It is a good aspect for control and taking charge of events particularly in “owning” others. The New Moon is also sextile her Natal Uranus and Pluto in Virgo. It will be a time of welcome transformation, and the change will positively influence the general public. Her Natal Chiron is trine the New Moon, and the women’s health care issue may be the winning play for her.

    On the other side, the New Moon is trine Donald Trump’s Mercury, which may bring about constant talking. The New Moon is sextile his Natal Pallas, and he may be trying to relay some wisdom in his verbiage.  However, Trump’s Mercury is being squared by the Node Axis. He may find his values are out of date with the general public. Vesta in Libra is squaring Trump’s Mercury, and the family values he appealed to in the past have turned against him. The New Moon is squaring Trump’s Ceres, and he may be losing his control over the public. The New Moon is squaring Trump’s Pluto, and the dark forces he used in the past, like bigotry, sexism, and racism, will no longer do the job for him. 

        The Ascendant of Kamala Harris will be conjunct transiting Jupiter. This may energize the Mutable T-square Harris has had to deal with. Jupiter has been squaring her Chiron in the Tenth House, and her Uranus, Pluto, and Venus conjunction in the Fourth House. She has spoken about the difficulties in life, being raised by a single mother. Pallas in Sagittarius helped give her wisdom to handle her struggles. Her Mars sextile her Ascendant gave her the fortitude to survive, and with transiting Jupiter sextile her Mars she may be energized to take on the biggest job in the world. Transiting Jupiter is sextile her Natal Moon, and trine her Natal Sun. Jupiter trine her Natal Saturn will give her the determination she needs.     

     In contrast, the Ascendant of Donald Trump is conjunct the Midheaven of the New Moon chart. His Ascendant and Mars are just past the Midheaven in the Ninth House of the New Moon chart. This may indicate his time has passed, and he will enter a state of decline. His Natal Midheaven is on the Descendant of the New Moon chart, and that is another sign of a decline into darkness. Transiting Uranus is squaring Trump’s Natal Mars and Ascendant, and that could mark a flaming out of his personality. 

     The only aspect that may help Trump is Jupiter in Gemini, and coming up to Election Day, Jupiter will be conjunct Trump’s Uranus, North Node, and Sun in the Tenth House. Transiting Venus and Pallas will be in opposition in Sagittarius. Add to that is the Mutable T-square of Harris with her Virgo Uranus, Pluto, and Venus squaring Trump’s Uranus, North Node, and Sun. Transiting Venus and Pallas will be conjunct the Natal Pallas, Node Axis, and Part of Fortune for Kamala Harris. Attacks made at this time may be brutally personal, and may do great damage to the Trump ego. With Transiting Jupiter conjunct the Harris Saturn, she should endure anything thrown at her.

     Trump’s misogyny has been rooted in his Venus-Saturn conjunction in Cancer. In the New Moon chart, Mars is conjunct that Venus-Saturn combo. Transiting Pluto will be in opposition to Trump’s Venus-Saturn. Juno, the asteroid of politics, will be squaring his Venus-Saturn. The Sun and Moon of Kamala Harris are squaring Trump’s Venus-Saturn. It may be a karmic moment, like King Richard III being confronted by the ghosts of all those he destroyed to get ahead. Trump may become brutally away of all the women he used and abused in his life, and they may be the spirits that deprive him of his courage on the New Moon, with Kamala Harris as the avenger bringing his final downfall.

     Another fascinating feature of the New Moon chart is that there is a Grand Trine in Water signs. Mars in Cancer is trine Mercury in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. It will be a time of powerful emotion, run up to boiling by Mars, swirling into a whirlpool with Neptune, but finally calming down with Mercury.  The fact checkers may be the ones to prevail. Mercury is squaring Trump’s Mars and Ascendant, and he may be shut up when the media starts reporting the truth. Kamala Harris has Mars squaring her Sun-Moon axis, and her attacks may be more energetic than ever. Neptune is squaring her Ascendant, and she may need to fact check more before speaking out. Mercury is squaring her Saturn, and standing resolute is the best position she can take.

     For Kamala Harris, the best blessing may be the sextile between Uranus and Neptune. This sextile is pointing a Yod at her Natal Sun at 27 Libra. This may be the most important birthday of her life as she moves to a higher goal. Leading up to the New Moon, Juno will be at the focal point of the Yod, adding to the women’s power that will be brought out in this election. Juno will be conjunct the Mercury of Kamala Harris, and her voice may bring about a new spirit in politics. The New Moon Juno will be trine her Natal Saturn in Aquarius. It may mark politics for the masses, but in a structured form and not with mob rule. The New Moon is trine transiting Saturn, and that may help bring transformation but in an orderly fashion. The Natal Juno and Pallas of Kamala Harris are squaring transiting Saturn. This reinforces her campaign slogan, “We’re not going back!” Her Natal Moon is conjunct transiting Chiron, and the move forward for Women’s Health issues will be the powerful break with the old ways. The New Moon chart T-square with Juno, Mars, and Pluto will be connected with the Sun and Mercury of Kamala Harris. Change is coming, and she will be in the driver’s seat to bulldoze the worn out structures. She will also be the crane operator to put new structures into place.