by Thomas Canfield

Looking ahead to the May New Moon chart, the focus of attention may be on how the pandemic situation may be affecting family dynamics. Venus and Mercury are conjunct Vesta in the Tenth House. This could mark a major desire to return to hearth and home and be reunited with family members. However, Eris, dwarf planet of discord is sextile Vesta, Mercury, and Venus. This could bring conflicts over which family members should be visited first. Would it be safe to visit relatives who are in a state where quarantine is still in effect? Should you try to visit the eldest relatives first, just in case they will not be around much longer? Will some relatives take offense if they are not the first ones to be visited. (Survey Says: Of all your family, which relative would you visit first?)
Adding to this friction is the fact that Neptune in Pisces is squaring Vesta, Venus, and Mercury. A lot of perceived slights and misunderstandings may add to the family conflict. Neptune is in the Seventh House of Marriage, and families that are preparing wedding plans may be under extreme pressure. With some places in quarantine, the questions over who to invite and who not to invited may become more intense. Family love may be sacrificed to practical concerns. Venus Retrograde may put a damper on romance concerns. Couples may have to face the possibility of elopement and then have a large reception later on. Such a change may put a major crimp in the wedding planning industry, with banquet halls, caterers, and musicians being forced to the sidelines.
(Survey Says: Apart from the minister, who is the most important person to hire for a wedding?)
Jupiter and Pluto are still conjunct in Capricorn, and Pluto is forming a quincunx to Vesta, Venus, and Mercury in Gemini. The best that might be possible at such a time could be a virtual wedding. Have all of your family members tune in on Zoom, and watch the festivities as an on-line group. (Keep in mind that Zoom can be hacked, and in some cases obscene graffiti has interrupted Zoom presentations.) It might be possible to have some on-line musicians, just in case couples at home want to join in some dancing. (Survey says: What is the most popular music to have at a wedding?)
Regarding pandemic planning as a whole, there are positive signs in the New Moon chart with a Grand Trine in Air. The New Moon in Gemini is trine Juno in Libra, and Pallas and Saturn in Aquarius. This is a good indication that the doctors, the politicians, and the general public will be on the same page regarding what needs to be done. All of the important facts will be out there, and there will not be any argumentative debate leading to separate policies. The realization of what needs to be done may be enough to ease differences in ideology. (Survey says: Apart from a doctor or nurse, who would you trust for a medical remedy?”)
The biggest difficulty to watch out for may be in regard to a burn out with health care workers. Ceres, dwarf planet of nurturing, and Mars, planets of arguments and energy, will be conjunct in the Sixth House. The health care providers may be frazzled from such long periods of working. However, there are signs that help will be on the way. Uranus is sextile Ceres-Mars, and Chiron is semi-sextile Ceres-Mars and Uranus. It is possible that some of the unemployed workers may take a chance and help as volunteers for the hospitals and clinics. Such an influx of assistance may require extra training, which might stress out health care workers even more. (Survey says: Who is the person you would least trust in a hospital?)
There will be some relief coming as the public becomes aware of what needs to be done. With the New Moon in the Ninth House, there might be some legal concerns about putting untrained persons into a possibly hazardous situation. With Juno quincunx Ceres-Mars, the politicians may rewrite the laws quickly. With Pallas-Saturn semi-sextile Ceres-Mars, the medical profession will see the value of bringing in more recruits, and there may be efforts by medical schools to provide the necessary rudimentary training. (Survey says: Which medical school would you trust the most?)
Ceres-Mars is squaring the Midheaven, and opposing the Part of Fortune. There may be a need to emphasize that such hiring is only being done as a temporary measure, and once the pandemic is over then most of the newcomers will be laid off. Uranus semi-sextile the Midheaven may bring recruits from those who are complaining about the isolation and want to get into a social activity as soon as possible. Uranus square Pallas-Saturn might bring a danger than some people might be too reckless and are not following the guidelines properly. Yet, with Uranus trine the Part of Fortune, the call for medical volunteers may be regarded as the best relief effort since Dunkirk. (Survey says: What sort of professional would be best to volunteer in a hospital?)
A difficulty to watch out for, with Chiron opposing Juno, is whether people will listen to politicians or doctors at this time. Juno in Libra might make politicians sweet talk and make promises of improvements and cure. Chiron in Aries may offer blunt assessments and stern warnings for what each individual has to do. It may be more than just trying to dodge a virus but to give serious thought to lifestyle changes and even economic changes. (Survey says: What persons are less trustworthy than politicians?)
Getting back to family issues, should you invite a nurse to a wedding? Would a nurse even have time off to attend a wedding? Would you invite a politician to a wedding? The politician might show up but no one would want to shake his hand. With Venus retrograde until June 26, it might be wise to put off the weddings, and maybe have a year without June brides. (Survey says: What kind of professional would you not invite to a wedding?)