Thomas Canfield
What if they had a Civil War and everyone started acting civil towards each other? Such a scene might play out with the Cancer New Moon. The New Moon will be squaring Eris, dwarf planet of discord. The worst acts of discord usually take place when Eris is in a positive aspect towards another planet, such as the Eris-Venus trine in the New Moon chart. There could be problems with women in power and the power of women. (Why should you care about Trump’s problems when there are women still having abortions?) However, the Sun and Moon squaring Eris may squelch further discord. There can be acts of discord during negative aspects to Eris, but they might be acts of lesser discord.(Would you rather see Trump step on bubble gum or hydrochloric acid?) The New Moon will be in opposition to Pluto, moving back into Capricorn, and may take the edge off of any economic upheaval that comes from the sign of big businesses. (Why should we worry about Trump’s bank account when gas prices are coming down?)
Pluto sextile Neptune is forming a Yod, or finger of God pointing at Venus. It will be like a spotlight being focused on the women making the big news. (Are only attractive women able to get their pictures in the newspaper?) However, the New Moon may draw most of the attention. Uranus will be sextile the New Moon, which may also energize the spotlight for the New Moon, though in a more helpful way. (Do Halogen lights outshine Neon?) Neptune is trine the New Moon and religious issues could take a positive spin. There may be more stories about people using their faith in a positive e manner as opposed to looking at certain people behaving in a cult-like behavior. (Is Trump the Messiah? Can we bury him for three days to find out?)
Issues regarding money and political power may come out at this time, with Jupiter sextile Juno. People may ask in whose interests certain payments being made. (If Hunter Biden is making millions of dollars, can he afford a better laptop repairman?) There may be some economic shaking, with Jupiter squaring Mercury and the Midheaven. (Can you blame China for the interest rates?) With Juno squaring Chiron, there may be matters of political moves taking place due to medical regulations being changed. Mercury and the Midheaven are trine Chiron, and the issues of medical concern may be the source of business changes. (Should a woman work in Florida or Texas if she cannot get proper medical care? Is it that bad when not even migrant workers want to work in Florida?)
Vesta and Ceres are trine each other and both are sextile Mercury and the Midheaven. Matters of family concern may come to the forefront. There may be an alliance between domineering mothers and friendly family values. (Does a woman have a right to her own body, even if her mother objects?) More families may stand up to certain policies if they realize the detrimental role of those policies. Some families may not be concerned about Planned Parenthood clinics, but they may take notice if their chances of visiting Disney World are reduced. (Would you support Mickey Mouse even if he wanted your children to read books?)
The old fashioned ways of Saturn may take a walloping with the opposition to Mars and Pallas. There could be a new militancy which would stand against old-time ideas. (Does “Thank you for your service” sound pretty cynical when Congress cuts Veterans’ Benefits?) Mars and Pallas are trine Jupiter, and there could be greater investment in new methods and thinking outside-the-box. (Imagine if Twitter was really about mass communication?) Mars, Pallas, and Saturn are all being squaring by Vesta, and family issues may block new trends. (Should books be banned if they cannot be dramatized on the Disney channel?) While the family attitudes might seem old fashioned, their positions may not be as backward as Saturn. A compromise solution may be found with Saturn trine the Ascendant and Part of Fortune, and Mars-Pallas sextile the Ascendant and Part of Fortune. (Should a book be banned until it makes a million dollars in Amazon sales for the author?)
Just when things seem most uncivil, a new civility may appear on the scene. (Would you accept house-arrest for Donald Trump if he were imprisoned at your house?) The New Moon in the Ninth House may see to it that Justice prevails, and the opposition to Pluto in Third House and square to Eris in the Sixth House may prevent further upheavals. (If Trump gets convicted, would Dr. Hannibal Lecter have to give up his cell?) There may be attempts to stir up trouble with spurious arguments, but the bolstered New Moon will scatter any attempts at rabble-rousing. (If Putin can have secret documents, then why not Trump?) Uranus and Neptune will keep the focus on the New Moon, and any distractions with Eris trine Venus may fall by the wayside. (If Trump is locked up in a Federal prison, would Hillary Clinton take a new job as the warden?)