Thomas Canfield
The Aquarius Full Moon is taking place at the beginning of the Democratic convention. Unlike the Republican convention, which had a Mars-Uranus conjunction and four Yods, this chart has a Fixed Cross and a Mutable T-square. To make it further interesting, the squares will be hitting planets in the charts of retiring President Joe Biden and the new candidate, Vice-President Kamala Harris. Some of the issues facing the Republican convention will be brought up in the Democratic convention, though the debates will involve different methods of procedure.
In the Full Moon axis, the Sun is conjunct Mercury Retrograde and Vesta, asteroid of hearth and home. There may be efforts to claim the issue of family values, but with the Moon in opposition to all three, looking at old-fashioned concepts may not work out. The Moon is in Aquarius, and demands new considerations for women’s issues, especially political power. The Moon is sextile Chiron and Eris, while the Sun, Vesta, and Mercury Retrograde are trine Chiron and Eris. This may introduce volatility to the Women’s Health issue that may make the convention more exciting. The big question is to determine how to overturn the Dobbs decision. Should there be an Amendment to the Constitution as was done to the French Constitution? Should all fifty states pass laws protecting womens rights, and make changes to their state constitutions so that the rights could not be removed? This may be a major strategy battle for the Democratic party, and to determine where party resources should go, for Congressional races or state legislature races?
Crossing the Full Moon axis, Uranus is in opposition to Pallas, the asteroid of wisdom. Uranus stands for the talking heads, and there will be a lot of network chatter on the feminist issues of the convention, with the expectation of electing the first woman president. Opposing this chatter will be the voice of reason, and private negotiation in the Twelfth House. Pallas is at the midpoint of President Biden’s Sun and Mercury, and also conjunct his Venus. It is likely that he will operate as the voice of wisdom behind the scenes, helping to sort out any conflicts between factions. Of course, the talking heads will oppose anything he says, preferring a brouhaha of the Moon opposing the Sun, Vesta, and Mercury Retrograde.
The main target of the talking heads may be Vice-President Harris, who has transiting Uranus conjunct her Jupiter. The talking heads will be promoting her as the major feminist figure at the convention, and the convention belongs to her. Her Moon is conjunct Eris and Chiron, and she may come away as the Statue of Liberty for Womens rights issues. Her Natal Moon is sextile the transiting Moon and trine the Sun, Vesta, and Mercury Retrograde. In spite of what the talking heads say about her, she will be energized by the convention and come away with a substantial bump.
Adding to the feminist conflict of the convention is Venus conjunct the Midheaven, opposing Saturn, and squaring Mars and Jupiter. Transiting Venus and the Midheaven are conjunct President Biden’s Midheaven, as well as the Natal Venus, Pluto, and Uranus of Vice-President Harris. They will be well-organized with the power of Venus in Virgo. With Saturn at the bottom of the chart, and Venus raised to the highest point, the old-time arguments against women are going to fall flat. Venus and Saturn squaring Mars and Neptune may herald the legal battles the Democrats may have to fight, resulting in new legislation having to be drafted.
A major issue will be whether courts can use legal precedents against women that were formed even before women had a right to vote. There are some judges hearkening back to times when women could not own property, women could not inherit, and women could not defend themselves against charges of Witchcraft. The convention may need to come up with new legal remedies to remove outdated laws. The state of Arizona tried to revive an anti-abortion law written in 1864 by a man who was married three times to teenage girls. Fortunately, the Arizona legislature got rid of that law. The recent Alabama decision on IVF embryos was written by a judge who included Bible quotes on the nature of life. That kind of religious legalese may be rendered neutral with Neptune void-of-course, and religious elements may not be seen at the convention.
Juno, the asteroid of marriage and political connections, is making some interesting aspects which may liven up the convention. Juno is sextile the Ascendant and trine the Part of Fortune and Pluto Retrograde. The issue of People Power may be a major topic at the convention. In contrast, Juno is opposing the North Node and squaring Ceres in Capricorn. The main issue of the campaign may be personal control rather than Presidential control. The North Node can stand for higher values, while the South Node stands for physical values. Juno and the South node may stand for the bodily needs for female healthcare. Juno and the Node Axis squaring Ceres may stand for a revolt in values against outside control. Ceres in Capricorn can be the domineering mother, and its most extreme form can represent slavery. As argument that can be made is that the Dobbs decision reduces women to a new kind of slavery, in which individual states can make women into baby-making machines.
The most important message of the convention may be to come up with plans to oppose the Unitary Executive Theory. Republicans are supporting the idea that a President has the right to dismiss all civil service employees, use the FBI and Justice Department for partisan politics, and then use the military to round up 15 million people, based on the claim that they should be deported. Juno trine the Part of Fortune may come up with winning slogans supporting the cause of freedom. Pluto trine the Part of Fortune may bring up warnings of a nation that has lost its freedoms. Ceres squaring the Node Axis may try to maintain control by outdated values. Vice-President Harris may come out with the strongest policy points with the Aquarius Full Moon conjunct her Saturn, and her Mars conjunct Sun, Vesta, and Mercury Retrograde. As a tough lawyer, she may be handling the arguments and the policy decisions coming up.
The Part of Fortune for the Full Moon chart is conjunct President Biden’s Uranus A series of sudden events have ended his hope for a second term. His Natal Jupiter is squared by Chiron and Eris. Squares to Eris may mark lesser discord. Any policy debates over women’s health issues may not be a major problem for him. Transiting Pluto has been squaring the President’s Moon, leading to emotional debates over whether he is fit to hold on to power. However, Pluto is moving back into Capricorn, and will be there at the time of the election. What happens on that day may be a referendum supporting President Biden’s past actions.
On Election Day, Pluto will be sextile the President’s Sun and Venus, and Neptune will be trine his Sun and Venus. Uranus will still be opposing his Sun and Venus, which means the usual talking heads will be chattering non-stop. The Moon on Election Day will be void-of-course in the morning, but then entering Capricorn later in the morning and will be trine the President’s Moon and North Node. The Moon will be squaring his natal Neptune, possibly causing illusionary worries, but transiting Mercury will be passing over his Ascendant and sextile his Neptune. It may be a day of welcome news. To see Kamala Harris elected President will be a victory for Joe Biden as well as for her, since his work helped pave the way for a more progressive administration.