By Jim Hurlburt
President Joe Biden: With mundane influences, such as the recent Jupiter/Saturn conjunction square his natal Moon, as well as sextile his Sun, Venus, and Ascendant, he is cool, collected, and on cue for the upcoming political challenges. His temperament is made good by his Saturn in Gemini trine transiting Saturn in Aquarius. His natal chart shows him as a good luck magnet in the walking out of the otherwise dark cloud of life challenges. Natal Jupiter trines his Mercury, Sun, Venus, and Ascendant. He is given to perceptive analysis, supported by a penetrating mind with vast deductive ability. In a broader sense, he seems to hold the secret to life or at least has a clearer vision than most.
Continuing on with the best foot forward, he is always ready to step up to the plate. This comes with his Scorpio Mars, which will soon be facing challenging aspects by transiting Saturn and Uranus. He has the right kind of bravery to face the great challenges put forward by these transits. His natal Midheaven is being opposed by Neptune. There may be a change for the better through the questioning of past mistakes. With his Taurus Moon trine the North Node and natal Uranus squaring the Node axis, he related well with others and is very sociable. The Moon is exalted in Taurus and Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, and they show that family and homeland concerns are of the highest priority. His Moon is square the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint, indicating he acts with conviction with the help of powerful women. Though he has faced times of family grief, he still rises as a triumphant person.

(Inner chart: Joe Biden, 11-20-1942, Scranton, PA 8:30 am. Outer chart: Feb. Full Moon, 2-27-2021, Washington D.C., 3:17 am.)
His Part of Fortune in the Fifth House is being hit by transiting Uranus, and he may be involved with new ideas and inventions that will have to do with the well-being of future generations of the Earth and saving its resources. Other transits show an “All’s Well. Not to worry” state of being. The Virgo Full Moon and the Full Moon Ascendant will be trine his Part of Fortune. Venus and the Sun will be sextile his Part of Fortune. The successes of his administration will be obvious by the end of February.
The extended Fixed weight of Taurus to Aquarius in the Full Moon’s Mutable based chart shows social restrictions and some added rules to the game. Certain obstinate questions may force legal proceedings, and the intensity of the political opposition may be that it wants to go back to making money in the same ways as “the good old days.” Anything but that is seen as radical change. There may need to be a forced change based on set principles.
The President’s favorable Saturn to Saturn connection will prove quite fortunate in the long run. However, his natal Saturn in Gemini squaring the Full Moon axis may indicate a need to put some ideas on hold in order to produce proper structure. No need for rickety platforms that are too scattered. The times may only be requesting patience. Good ideas to implement now may tend to focus on better methods of getting through the details.
With the Full Moon in the President’s Ninth House it shows other ideas that may present themselves could be travelling and diplomatic needs, as well as proper legal ethics that should be practiced. Higher education issues, such as student loans, may be brought up. Too many details may scatter attention, but offerings of varied options may be needed to get beyond gridlock.
The President’s Virgo Midheaven and the Virgo Full Moon show domestic responsibility. He is someone you can count on. There is a sense of duty. Virgo is such that it realizes this need with many details of the mundane pressing into every minute, and it can bring perfection to the on-going tasks. His Mercury is sextile his Midheaven and currently trine transiting Neptune. There may be a sense of community service, as well as increased diversity of all kinds. There may be more original thinking with the work force, such as with ideas of recycling and distribution of goods. Some of these ideas may be favorable to financial partnerships, and may be appealing to various viewpoints. Some of these may seem like a sideline, since the government focus is on treatment and relief of many problems at this time.
Many manifestations of service may come with this Full Moon. The charts show a mystic rectangle, with the President’s Jupiter trine his Sun and Venus, and they are aspected by sextiles from transiting Pluto and Mars. The exercising of power will be put forward in an assertive, strong, and confident manner, with some benevolence. Transiting Mars at detriment in Taurus shows an unrest and nervousness among any would-be legal opponents. Many may be re-aligning to his legal views thanks to transiting Venus sextile the President’ Moon.
Natal Jupiter squaring the Full Moon Midheaven lends to an active initiative with any legal concerns. The midpoint of natal Jupiter and transiting Jupiter is hitting the President’s Part of Fortune and transiting Uranus, showing how great fortune can smile upon the President. The Part of Fortune conjunct transiting Uranus is part of a transiting Earth Grand Trine with the Full Moon in Virgo and the Ascendant in Capricorn. This gives ease in addressing matters of material concern and can bring beautiful ambitions. Here is where the President finds celestial good fortune. A boost in business may replenish people’s needs at this time. Call it a gift, talent, substantial achievement, or a charitable calling. The Sun shining in the blue sky will be reflected by the President’s optimism and smiling countenance.