Cometh the Dawn

Thomas Canfield The Lunar Eclipse for November 8, 2022 (set for Washington D.C. at 6:02 am) falls just before dawn, and it will be a busy time for the Full Moon energy. It is the day for the Mid-Term Elections, and the Moon is conjunct Uranus and the North Node. No doubt thousands of electronic …

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What Lies Beneath

Thomas Canfield      Looking at the Solar Eclipse chart (10-25-2022, Washington D.C., 6:49 am), it appears we are in for a major blast from the talking heads. Mercury is on the Ascendant, conjunct the Part of Fortune, with a Grand Trine in Air to Mars in Gemini and Saturn-Vesta in Aquarius. The resounding theme …

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The unsung hero of acs

 In 1990, when Neil Michelsen passed away, little did he know that his legacy would be maintained by a chemical engineer who graduated from Louisiana Christian University. For the past 14 years, ACS has been financially assisted by Jim Jossick, the husband of Maria Kay Simms. While Maria set the course for the company, Jim …

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Memorial Moon

Thomas Canfield It is not often that a New Moon falls on a national holiday, but it can offer a special significance to the events of the day. The Gemini New Moon will be falling at 7:30 am on Memorial Day, a time when sunrise ceremonies may be underway at Veterans’ cemeteries. Juno, the asteroid …

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The Bowl of Walpurgisnacht

Thomas Canfield May 1 has been celebrated in modern times as a political festival for working people, with parades, speeches, and demonstrations. It has also been celebrated as a neo-Pagan feast of Beltane, with people dancing the Maypole, leaping over a flaming cauldron, and feasting. However, for centuries there was a dark side to this …

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